
Sam Francis Gallery
Santa Monica, CA
Fall 2003

The Museum of Forgery took part in this invitational exhibition, which highlighted pairs of artists with a shared history of conversations about their work. The Museum of Forgery paired with the Institute of Cultural Inquiry, with which it has an ongoing relationship now spanning more than a decade. Over the years, the directors of the two institutions have discussed such topics of mutual interest as:


Both institutions exhibited a selection of artworks they have created or commissioned in matching vitrines.

Conversations exhibition photo

View of the installation at Sam Francis Gallery, with the MOF vitrine on the left and the ICI vitrine on the right.

Conversations exhibition photo

MOF works visible in the photo above include (left to right): The Photographer's Handbook, 1994; 9 Designs (Josef Albers: Late Graphic Works), 1992; MOF Sample Box, 1993; Smothered Art, 1991; and The Oeuvre of Salvador Dali Reduced to a Reasonable Size, 1992-93.

Conversations exhibition photo

MOF works visible in the the photo above include (left to right): MOF Sample Box; Assorted Samples, 1992; and The Photographer's Handbook.