Albers Transmitted Light stamp

posthumous projects
of Josef Albers

9 Designs

Josef Albers Postcards

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Albers pic Albers pic

Albers pic Albers pic Albers pic

Studies in Transmitted Light
unlimited, scalable screen edition

In his own lifetime, Albers did little or no work on the color theory of transmitted light, working instead with the perception of light reflected off of paint, ink, and paper. This series, created especially for the Museum of Forgery, extends Josef Albers' reflected-light color studies into the realm of transmitted light. Each image is a study in the color properties of transmitted light viewable through such devices as computer monitors.

These studies are designed at a screen resolution of 72 ppi, and the square-pixel format means that they are, with care, infinitely scalable without degradation. The full series of purely digital images is stored in the Museum's cyberarchives. Individual prints can be ordered form the museum.