Albers Transmitted Light stamp

posthumous projects
of Josef Albers

Studies in Transmitted Light

9 Designs

9 Josef Albers Postcards
11.4 x 16.4 x 0.4 cm
series of posthumous Albers graphics printed as though from a U.S. stamp series; nine postcards with cover card in glassine envelope; limited edition.

This is a set of cards commemorating, preemptively, a potential, future, and so far unplanned U.S. stamp series honoring the graphic work of Josef Albers. The museum feels the U.S. Postal Service should recognize Albers not just on his merits as an artist but also for his enormous influence on American artists as a teacher during his long stay in the United States after he fled Nazi Germany.

These cards are based on the 9 Designs series.