MOF gallery stamp

Assorted Samples

The Dadashop Quartet

Deformed Bats

Experiment 04RR.5


History of Flight Sammlung

Immobilized Pictures

Invasion of the Body Snatchers, Piazza S.

Limited Artistic License (Lot #25)

MOF Sample Box

The Oeuvre of Salvador Dali Reduced to a Reasonable Size

The Photographer's Handbook

Raw Materials Kit #MOF-30593-LP

Smothered Art (Lot #4)


Solstice 1

Solstice 2

Souvenir Of

GL Wish Box 1992
24 x 32 x 10.5 cm
mixed media: wooden box containing assorted small objects with hidden elements.

This box was made to bring good luck to someone who needed it badly at the time.

Study for GL Wish Box 1992
watercolor and ink on paper.

Study for the lower half of the GL Wish Box.