MOF gallery stamp

Assorted Samples

The Dadashop Quartet

Experiment 04RR.5


History of Flight Sammlung

Immobilized Pictures

Invasion of the Body Snatchers, Piazza S.

Limited Artistic License (Lot #25)

MOF Sample Box

The Oeuvre of Salvador Dali Reduced to a Reasonable Size

The Photographer's Handbook

Raw Materials Kit #MOF-30593-LP

Smothered Art (Lot #4)


Solstice 1

Solstice 2

Souvenir Of

MOF Sample Box
mixed media: unique box of five sample projects from the museum, including (clockwise from top): The Dadashop Quartet; Limited Artistic License; Shark's Pocket: a posthumous duchamp; Smothered Art; and 9 Josef Albers Postcards

This box is a cross between the salesperson's sample kit and Duchamp's Museum in a Valise. Three of these projects can be explored further from the links at left; the other two (Duchamp and Albers) link from the home page.