MOF gallery stamp

Assorted Samples

The Dadashop Quartet

Experiment 04RR.5


History of Flight Sammlung

Immobilized Pictures

Invasion of the Body Snatchers, Piazza S.

Limited Artistic License (Lot #25)

MOF Sample Box

The Oeuvre of Salvador Dali Reduced to a Reasonable Size

The Photographer's Handbook

Raw Materials Kit #MOF-30593-LP

Smothered Art (Lot #4)


Solstice 1

Solstice 2

Souvenir Of

Limited Artistic License
7.5 x 10.5 cm
mixed media, open edition: laminated print with collage elements.

This is a license not to make art, provided by the museum to artists only upon request and customized for each individual. It is designed to be 'permanently temporary'; that is, the artist may revoke it at any time by removing the signature, which sits on top of the lamination. Shown here are two such commissioned licenses.